Our Journey Into Homeschooling

Monday, April 2, 2012


Today was our first handwriting lesson.  I decided to go with the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum for 1st grade.  Bridget has been looking over the 'My Printing Book' ever since it came in the mail.  I told her we would have to wait until April to start our lessons and that we will have handwriting everyday when she gets home and then lunch.

If you read my previous post, you will know that she is attending a public Pre-K class this year and I mistakenly thought they were teaching her handwriting.  I soon discovered that she had no idea how to correctly write the letters.  This is why we are starting the handwriting lessons early instead of waiting until we begin homeschooling in the Fall.  I want her to feel comfortable and knowledgeable about her letters before we start.

I picked her up from Pre-K this morning and when we got home I told her we would start our lessons.  "Yes, Teacher!" was her response.  She loves to pretend and I go with it because I can accomplish most anything if we pretend; not sure what that will do to her future.  I can just see her in a college class saying, "Excuse me Professor, could we pretend we are kittens today?  I think it will maximise the lesson."

But seriously, our first lesson went rather well.  I can see that she needs to slow down and concentrate on her work.  Unfortunately at Pre-K, they get to go to centers as soon as they finish their work.  All that does for Bridget is teach her to do it as fast as she can without regard to quality.  I guess I'll actually be teaching two different lessons at the same time.  Handwriting and quality of work.

She did slow down and really enjoyed the lesson.  This is the first time we practiced writing without tears.  I'm hoping this will be a common occurrence.  We are both excited about homeschooling and after having a good time with it over Spring Break and today's lesson plan, I can see this will be an excellent choice for us.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're having a good experience with this curriculum!!
